When was the last time you actually felt good?
Many of my clients have tried doctor appointments, physical therapy, yoga, Reiki, and massage, and had temporary relief, then seen discomfort come right back. If this sounds like you, there is hope.
As children we have nearly effortless grace and mobility.
As we age, it is easy to fall into habits of moving, postures, holding tension, or accommodating injuries that result in the aches and pains of adult life. They become limitations we take for granted.
Back, neck, shoulder, knee, hip, or foot pain at any age may have its origin in easily observed and changed habits.
You can learn to improve your physical comfort and performance no matter what you do in life.
Imagine a day without pain or physical tension! Small changes to how we sit, stand, and walk help us move away from chronic discomfort and relax into working with our bodies.
Using the Alexander Technique and other tools, together we trouble-shoot and improve your posture and movements and map out your path to wellness.
Once new habits are integrated into your life, you can maintain a greater degree of ease on your own simply by applying what you’ve learned to everyday movements.
You can feel better in as few as 2-6 sessions!